
澳大新語 • 2023 UMAGAZINE 28 70 書院發展 • RC DEVELOPMENT 蔣怡博士是澳門大學霍英東珍禧書院副院長,負責書院的日常管理、學術發展和社群活動,擁有香港中文大學社會 學博士學位,研究領域包括書院教育、社會研究方法、經濟社會學,著有多篇關於書院教育的論文,並曾在上海交通 大學擔任學術職務。 Dr Vivian Jiang is the associate master of Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College at the University of Macau. She is responsible for overseeing the daily management, academic development, and community activities of the college. She holds a PhD in sociology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and her research interests include residential college education, social research methods, and economic sociology. She has also authored a number of papers on residential college education and previously held an academic position at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. incorporated into the service-learning programmes. Extensive Collaboration Beyond UM HFPJC’s first service-learning programme in mainland China was launched with Yanai Foundation, a non-profit organisation based in Hong Kong. Coordinated by the foundation, service leaders of the college visited Siyuan Schools in different parts of the country to help create a safe and healthy learning environment for left-behind children— children who remain in rural regions while their parents seek work in urban areas. The programme allowed students to visit mountainous regions in mainland China to witness the effectiveness of poverty alleviation policies, thereby fostering a sense of social responsibility and national identity. To enrich the content of the volunteer teaching programmes, the college also teamed up with Clean the World Asia, a Hong Kong-based social enterprise, and Little Inventors, an international charity initiative. The collaboration with Clean the World Asia enabled HFPJC students to take part in a hotel soap recycling programme. The students then imparted the knowledge of hygiene and environmental protection that they learned from the programme to the children in the mountainous regions. Furthermore, the Little Inventors project, which brought new elements to the service-learning programmes, encouraged the students to be creative. Such experiences ultimately led them to design the well-received ‘Little Photographers’ and ‘Little Programmers’ projects for the volunteer teaching activities that followed. Cultivating Leadership Among Students Looking back, HFPJC has found that although nurturing leaders is not the primary objective of the service-learning programmes, they indeed foster a range of leadership qualities among students. These include confidence, communication skills, interpersonal and coordination skills, team spirit, and problem-solving skills. By integrating community service with civic education, the programmes strengthen students’ sense of social responsibility. In addition, the reflections and discussions during service-learning activities can prompt the process of relearning, enabling students to translate compassion into action and thereby develop leadership. Many students who took part in the volunteer teaching programmes in the mainland have later gone on to become active in the college’s House Association and other student organisations and have thus turned themselves into exemplary student leaders. HFPJC students affectionately call themselves ‘juzi’ (‘orange’ in Chinese) or ‘laranja’ (‘orange’ in Portuguese). This is not only because the college has an adorable orange as its mascot, but also because they embrace the warmth, vitality, and love that the colour orange symbolises. The students aspire to share these attributes and lend others a helping hand. On their service-learning journey, students have brought rays of sunshine and love to underprivileged children in remote areas, and in turn, they have also experienced joy from their own learning and personal growth. If the fruit of love is service, then the fruit of service is holistic student development. 住宿式書院系統網站 Website of the Residential College System 「書院發展」為投稿欄目,內容僅代表作者個人意見。 RC Development is a contribution column. The views expressed are solely those of the author(s). 澳大於2010年引入住宿式書院系統。書院作為多元文化與多元學科融會貫通的知識整合學習平台,致力培養學生具有公民 責任心、全球競爭力、知識整合能力、團隊協作、服務與領導、文化參與和健康生活的七項勝任力。 UM launched its residential college (RC) system in 2010 to create a multicultural and multidisciplinary learning platform for knowledge integration. RC education aims to cultivate seven competencies of students, namely responsible citizenship, global competitiveness, knowledge integration, teamwork and collaboration, service and leadership, cultural engagement, and healthy lifestyle.