Library Newsletter 4
高校代表出席 2019 國際圖 書館年會 Representatives of Macau Academic Library Alliance participated in the 2019 IFLA Annual Meeting 日期 Date:6/9/2019 澳門高校圖書館聯盟代表於 八月廿三至三十日赴希臘雅 典,參加了第八十五屆國際 圖書館協會聯盟舉辦的世界 圖書館與信息大會。代表團 團長吳建中表示,交流既有 益於拓展合作,又有益於自 身發展。 In August 23rd– 30th, 2019, representatives of Macau Academic Library Alliance participated in the 85th World Library and Information Congress held by International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Dr. Jianzhong Wu, head of delegation says that experience sharing not only helps to expand cooperation, but also benefits their own development. 前言 澳大圖書館館訊是一個館員與讀者雙向溝通的園地,希望透過此溝通管道,能讓讀者瞭解圖書館多一點;亦希望透過此刊物,將圖書館的最新消 息傳播開來。我們期待廣大讀者參與圖書館舉辦的各項活動,從而增加對圖書館服務的了解,同時對圖書館工作提出寶貴的意見。 Preface The UM Library Newsletter is a garden where the librarians and the readers communicate with each other. It is hoped that through this communication channel, all readers can learn more about the library, which disseminates its news in this publication. By participating in a variety of activities organized by the Library, we expect that library readers will gain more knowledge of library services and meanwhile provide us with valuable insights on future library services. 活動 Activity 澳門大學圖書館參與主辦 2019 年中國圖書館年會 The University of Macau Library jointly Hosts the “ 2019 Chinese Library Annual Conference 日期 Date:26/8/2019 2019 年 8 月 20 日至 22 日, 2019 年中國圖書館年會在 內蒙古鄂爾多斯市成功舉 辦。澳門大學圖書館館長 吳建中致辭,館員謝靜珍 主持本論壇,耿琳琳與其 他五位學者作主題報告, 潘雅茵作為特邀嘉賓接受 採訪。 In August 20th -22nd, 2019, the Chinese Library Annual Conference was held in Erdos. Dr. Jianzhong Wu, University Librarian, delivered the welcoming speech. Jingzhen Xie chaired the forum, Linlin Geng spoke on the theme with the other five scholars, and Priscilla Pun was interviewed as a special guest. 圖書館消息 -- 參加 2019 年 PRRLA 年會報導 Library News -- Participating in the 2019 PRRLA Annual Meeting 日期 Date : 12/9/ 2019 太平洋區數字圖書館聯盟 2019 年會於 9 月 1 日至 4 日 在首爾高麗大學圖書館舉 行, 澳門大學圖書館副館長 王國強博士代表出席此次會 議。圖書館從中得知了一些 非常實用的網站 , 可連到圖 書館的網頁 , 為讀者提供服 務。 The 2019 Annual Pacific Rim Research Libraries Alliance meeting has been held at Korea University from September 1 to 4, 2019. The Associate Librarian of University of Macau Library, Dr. Wong Kwok Keung representative to attend the meeting. The representative had received some very useful information and websites, which allowed the UM Library to share with its users. 澳大圖書館代表在 "Web of Science 港澳用戶會 " 作報告 Member of the UM Library Presents at Web of Science User Group Meeting, Hong Kong and Macau 日期 Date:9/8/2019 日前大學圖書館技術服務組 事務主管潘雅茵應邀參加在 香港浸會大學舉行的 “web of Science 港澳用戶會 ” ,分享並 發表了報告,題名為 ” 智慧發 現:從資訊分享到協作發展 "。該會旨在促進港澳與中 國內地 Web of Science 高校圖 書館用戶的溝通與經驗分 享。 Ms Priscilla Pun, Functional Head of Technical Process Unit of University Library was invited to join and present at Web of Science User Group Meeting, Hong Kong and Macau held in Hong Kong Baptist University. Her presentation topic was “Smart Discovery: From Sharing to Collaboration”. The meeting was aiming at enhancing the sharing among academic libraries of Web of Science users in Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland China.
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