Library Newsletter 6

澳大圖書館 “中國龍文化研究資料庫” 開通 The UM Library launches the Cultural Study of Chinese Dragon Database 日期 Date:28 / 9 地點 Venue:展覽廳 Exhibition Hall 該資料庫是澳大圖書館首個與歷史人文學者合作 的數字人文項目。澳大圖書館吳建中館長致辭時 表示,希望在這一項目的帶動下,澳大圖書館與 歷史人文學者的合作進一步增強,使圖書館數字 人文項目及數字化服務邁上新台階。 The newly launched database is the first digital humanities project of the UM Library in cooperation with the historical and humanities scholars. Dr. Wu Jianzhong, the University Librarian, looked forward to, under the impetus of this project, strengthening cooperation between the UM Library and the historical and humanities scholars, as well as bringing the library’s digital humanities projects and services to a new level. 澳大發佈《中國新文化百年史叢書》 填補中國現 代文化史空白 UM launches new book Series of Centennial History of New Culture in China 日期 Date:23/ 11 時間 Time:15:00 地點 Venue:大學展館演講廳 Auditorium, University Gallery 澳門大學圖書館於11月23日舉行博雅新書發佈, 由澳門大學中國歷史文化中心主任朱壽桐主持編 撰的《中國新文化百年史叢書》(共14卷)正式 向澳門乃至全球發行。 The University of Macau (UM) Library held a book launch event to announce the official release of the 14-volume Series of Centennial History of New Culture in China, compiled by Zhu Shoutong, director of UM’s Centre for Chinese History and Culture. According to Billy So, vice rector of UM and director of the Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, who is also a famous historian, there are many works on the history of ancient Chinese culture, but few are systematic and large-scale studies of the history of modern Chinese culture, a gap some experts believe this book fills perfectly. 前言 澳大圖書館館訊是一個館員與讀者雙向溝通的園地,希望透過此一溝通的管道,能讓各讀者多瞭解圖書館一點,也希望能透過此一刊物,將圖書館 的消息傳播出去。期待廣大讀者能透過參與圖書館舉辦的各項活動增加對圖書館服務的了解,同時也希望對圖書館工作提出寶貴的意見。 Preface The UM Library Newsletter is a garden where the librarians and the readers communicate with each other. It is hoped that through this communication channel, all readers can learn more about the library, and we hope to disseminate the library's news through this publication. We hope library readers will gain more knowledge of library services through participation in a variety of activities organized by the Library and meanwhile provide us with valuable insights on library work. 活動 Activities -- Highlighted “笹川杯品書知日本徵文大獎賽2020” (澳門大學初選) 之頒獎典禮 "Sasakawa Cup National Japanese-Language Essay Competition 2020" 日期 Date:11 / 11 時間 Time:15:00 - 15:35 地點 Venue:演講廳 Auditorium "笹川杯品書知日本徵文大獎賽2020"活動,旨在鼓 勵中國大學生通過閱讀各類與日本相關的書籍,撰 寫論文、感想、體會等形式的文章,達到互相感 知、相互交流、相互理解、相互尊重的目的。同 時,激發中國大學生對日本社會、經濟、文化等各 方面瞭解和研究的興趣,促進中日兩國人民之間的 友好往來,共建和平世界。 The "Sasakawa Cup National Japanese-Language Essay Competition 2020" aims to encourage Chinese university students to perceive, communicate, understand and respect each other through reading various books related to Japan and writing essays to express their feelings. At the same time, it will stimulate the interest of Chinese students in understanding and researching Japanese society, economy, culture and other aspects, promote friendly exchanges between the people of China and Japan, and build a peaceful world together.