82 / / 83 自全面實施書院以來,澳大經歷了五、六年必經 的摸索之路,篳簬籃縷地將書院的外地先進經驗, 逐步轉化落實到澳大新校園,讓這種以育人為主軸 的教化環境,慢慢植根於澳門特區的社會土壤。草 創期首要之務,就是建立起一套有效的育人機制, 對在宿的學生,產生變化氣質、陶冶品格的作用。 在這階段,為了聚焦於建立通過社群生活來育人的 制度,書院集中推行課堂以外的品格教育,學院則 集中教授課堂上的學術內容。兩者明確分工,各司 其職。在這個制度框架下,書院在育人方面的制度 建設以及實踐,可謂取得了階段性的重要成果,奠 定了澳大書院育人的基礎,累積了寶貴的經驗,也 培訓了一支專業而有經驗的教學及管理骨幹隊伍。 澳大書院系統曾使用不同評估工具,進行初步評估 調查。相關人員在各種內部及外部的教育平台,經 常從事交流,不斷檢討及改進。部分調查亦已發表, 可參考書末的附錄。總體上,可以看到澳大的書院 生活體驗,對學生產生了積極的教育作用,並且獲 得高等教育界正面的評價。 Since its full implementation, UM’s RC system has undergone an arduous and fruitful journey of exploration in the past five to six years. With relentless efforts, the university introduced a transformed RC system drawn from extensive experience of overseas universities, transplanted and implemented our own version at UM’s new campus. Thus, the enriching educat ional environment centring with students’ all-round development at its core started to take shape and gradually took root in the soil of the Macao community. In the early stage, the primary mission was to establish an effective nurturing mechanism for shaping the temperament and cultivating the character of the students living in the RCs. In this stage, in order to develop a system of education through community life, the RCs were mainly tasked to carry out character education outside the classroom, while the Faculties focused on imparting academic knowledge in a classroom setting. The two had distinctive and separate functions and purposes. Based on this framework, major achievements were made in the establishment and implementation of an educational framework for the nurturing of students in the RC system. The RCs laid a good foundation, generated valuable experience and trained a professional as well as experienced team of academic and management staff. The RC system in UM had undergone preliminary assessments using different assessment tools. RC-related staff participated in various internal and external education platforms to exchange ideas, and conducted self-reviews for continual improvement. Some of their studies had been published as listed in the appendix of this book. All in all, it is evident that the experience of living in the RCs of UM had produced a positive edifying effect on students and received acclaim from the higher education sector. ㎈꿩蕞緶篚 Review and Summary 憭㝕⛿㶇䑑剹ꯗ1.0曭 UM Residential College Education 1.0 睙◝ꌄ⮖ | PART II