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Join Us to Welcome Beijing 2008 Olympic Games! (2008/04/30)

Dear All,

In celebration of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, the Library is pleased to launch a Resources Guide to Olympic Games, the purpose of which is to share the relevant web-based information with our users. There are three sections in this Guide:

1. Introduction to Olympic Games -- It provides a brief introduction together with the links to more information about the features of Olympic Games.

2. Beijing 2008 Olympic Games -- It would be helpful for our users to explore those significant matters about the 2008 Olympic Games as well as the latest information provided by the official websites.

3. Olympic Resources -- It leads users to the Library's classified and selected resources about the Olympic Games. 

Please click into this Guide, which is now mounted on the opening page of the Library website, and share the spirit and joy of the Olympic Games. Should you have any comments or suggestions about this Guide, please feel free to e-mail to

Click the link to visit the webpage:

Thank you for your kind attention!

UM Library