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Co-operation with University of Pittsburgh Library -- Document Delivery Service (2007/11/16)

Dear All:

We are pleased to announce that our Library has now established a co-operative scheme with the Library of the University of Pittsburgh in the United States, whereby our users will be able to obtain articles from them. 

The Library of University of Pittsburgh is one of the largest academic libraries in the States (please see its website at http://www.library.pitt.edu/ ). As our current practice for Document Delivery Service (DDS) with other libraries, eligible users (graduate and fourth-year undergraduate students, faculty members, administrative and research staff) may fill out the InterLibrary Loan or DDS Request Form and submit it to the Reference Desk or via email to lib_ref@umac.mo for requests. Please note that the maximum number of article for each user per month is six (6) and this service is free of charge for the time being. The requested articles are expected to be obtained within 10 working days.

Should you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact us at lib_ref@umac.mo.

UM Library