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Launching of RSS Alert Service (2007/11/08)

Dear Faculty Members,

Are you spending lots of time in keeping track of the newly published journal issues or articles in the course of your research? If so, we believe that RSS ( Really Simple Syndication ) feeds for journal alerts and search alerts provided by many UM Library's subscribed databases will help you to simplify your work.

 RSS Alert Service -- It is a service provided by the Library. We can help you subscribing to RSS feeds in order to allow your receiving journal alerts and/or search alerts via an RSS reader when new contents become available online.

Please use the attached form to apply for your alert account, then return it to the Reference Desk of the Library or send it back to lib_ref@umac.mo. When the registrations finishes, the Library will send you an email for confirmation with a user's quick guide.

Following this email is two examples which you might find from your RSS reader after you register for this service.

Should you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact us at lib_ref@umac.mo.

UM Library

Download RSS Form 

Example 1 for Journal Alert: MIS QUARTERLY

Example 2 for Search Alert: mass media