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"Shakespeare's 400th Anniversary" Book Exhibition (2016/04/27)

Dear All,

To commemorate 400 years after the death of William Shakespeare, the Library has organized the following activities related to Shakespeare and his works. These activities are organized in celebration of the 35th Anniversary of the University of Macau.

“Shakespeare’s 400th Anniversary” Book Exhibition

This exhibition will be on display from 27 April to 27 May 2016, and is open for visits during the Library's opening hours. It features a wide variety of publications related to Shakespeare, and are categorized into 8 different categories, which are: 
History Plays
Shakespeare’s Complete Works
Commentaries on Shakespeare and his Works
Multimedia Items
Publications Before 1979

These 8 different categories of library materials will be exhibited at the two elevator lobbies on different floors  (i.e. ground floor, 2nd to 4th floors) of the Library. 

Readers are welcome and encouraged to borrow these books (except the books in the exhibition cabinets).

Film Showing: “The Shakespeare Collection”

The Library has also organized a film showing activity on “The Shakespeare Collection” to be held from 28 April to 6 May 2016 at the A/V Room E2-2025 of the Library.

For film titles and detailed time schedule, please refer to the attached poster.

All are welcome!


For any enquiries, please email to lib_ref@umac.mo or call 8822-8170.




UM Library