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The University of Macau Gallery: Its Birth, Functions, and Growth (為澳大展館看相算命) -- Library Professional Development Seminar Series (16) (2012/05/09)

Dear All,

We are pleased to announce the details of the 16th Seminar under the "Library Professional Development Seminar Series" organized by the UM Library as follows:

Topic : “The University of Macau Gallery: Its Birth, Functions, and Growth”
Speaker : Mr YEUNG Chun-Tong (楊春棠先生), Director of the University Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong
Date : 15 May 2012 (Tuesday)
Time : 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Venue : University of Macau Library
Language : Cantonese

All are welcome!

Should you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact us at wileung@umac.mo or by calling 8397-8187.

UM Library