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To celebrate the "World Portuguese Language Day", a Portuguese poetry video is released by UM (2022/05/04)


To celebrate the "World Portuguese Language Day", the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Macau and UM Library jointly release a video, which is a recitation of a poem entitled "ACREDITO DEMASIADO" written by Prof. Yao Jing Ming of the Department of Portuguese of the FAH of UM on May 5, The video is produced and recited by Ms. Huang Lin, a postgraduate at UM.


In this poem, the poet criticizes the absurdity and arrogance of existence in the world, and also shows the attitude that the poet adheres to and his hope for the future. According to the grammatical rules of Portuguese, when we need to assume an event or indicate the uncertainty of an action, we turn the verb into the corresponding subjunctive. Therefore, when we write an adverbial clause in Portuguese that expresses concessions like "although...", according to the rules of grammar, the verb in this clause needs to become subjunctive. In this poem, none of the verbs following the conjunction "although" use the subjunctive. Because of the extreme certainty of what is believed, the poet uses his own words to eliminate all uncertainty.


The video's soundtrack is the work of Portuguese composer Bernardo Sassetti, the final chapter of his suite for the film Alice, titled "Tomorrow" (Amanhã). The film tells the story of a couple searching for their missing daughter, with the little hope in their hearts that sustains them waking up at each dawn and traversing the streets of Lisbon day after day like Sisyphus pushing a stone...


UM library hopes to promote to the public more about Portuguese poetry and experience the culture of the Portuguese-speaking world through the video. All are welcome to watch online.