Databases: Subject Listing

Alphabetical listing By Faculty By Type



    Asian Development Bank (ADB)             
It will provide downloadable publications for free, including but not limited to books, reports and conference proceedings on a wide range of topics, from agriculture economics to urban water management.

    Balance of Payments Statistics (BOPS)             
It contains international economic transactions data and International Investment Position, with history to 1960.

    CEIC Data             
CEIC provides access to over 5 million macro-economic time series and statistics from more than 190 countries and contains databases such as Global Database, China Premium Database, and World Trend Plus. China Premium Database is, in particular, a leading economic time-series database, focused exclusively on the Chinese market that contains historical data dating back to 1949. Use when you need international economic, industrial and financial trends data. Times-series can be directly retrieved from the database and imported into Excel.

Click "Guest Access" for IP access.


    eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)              
It provides access to the digital version of books from a broad range of subject areas such as business, economics, electrical engineering, environment and ecology, ethics, philosophy, political science, and writing guides, etc. This collection has more than 1,500 titles.             
EIU Country Report & Profile contains reports on the political, economic and business environment in 4 countries or regions: Mainland China, Macau (China), Hong Kong (China) and Taiwan (China).

    Emerald eBook Series Collections             
There are two eBook Series Collections, one on Business Management & Economics and the other on Social Sciences. There are around 1,700 titles are available and accessible through the interface and searching facility with the Emerald journal collections.

    Emerald Insight             
Emerald Insight is a collection of over 40,000 articles from over 300 of management journals, complete with full-text archives back to 1994 and abstracts back to 1989. This database covers a spectrum of management disciplines including: strategy, leadership, library and information management, marketing and human resource management, plus a substantial number of engineering, applied science and technology titles.

Note: Emerald App for iPhone

    European Colonialism in the Early 20th Century: Political and Economic Consolidation of Portuguese Colonies in Africa, 1910-1929             
This collection comprises correspondence, studies and reports, cables, maps, and other kinds of documents related to U.S. consular activities. U.S. Consulates were listening posts reporting on the activities of the Portuguese colonial government and the activities of the native peoples. Highlights include the beginning of an anti-colonial movement and the industrialization and economic exploitation of Portugal’s African colonies.

    Fuente Académica Plus             
Fuente Académica Plus is the most complete database of full-text Spanish- and Portuguese-language scholarly journals. Hundreds of quality titles from Latin America, Portugal and Spain cover all major subject areas, including agriculture, economics, history, law, literature, psychology and sociology.

    Gale Primary Sources: The Economist Historical Archive 1843-2015             
Research global political and economic news and analysis with the source used by top leaders and thinkers.

    IMF eLibrary             
This platform provides access to global statistical resources, including Trade and Investment as well as 4 core databases; namely, International Financial Statistics (IFS), Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS), Balance of Payments Statistics (BOPS) and Government Finance Statistics (GFS).

JSTOR (Journal STORage) is a full-text digital archive of over 900 core scholarly journals, covering 15 subjects, mainly in the humanities and social sciences.

    Macao Economic Database             
This database covers major economic indicators in Macau. It helps users to better understand Macao’s economic environment and monitor Macao’s social development trends. The Macau Economic Database is divided into the following 15 categories with a total of 380 sub-items: population, welfare, education, construction, industry, energy, consumption, prices, government finances, tourism, currency, banks, transport and transportation, labor, foreign trade.

    Political, Economic, and Military Conditions in China: Reports and Correspondence of the U.S. Military Intelligence Division, 1918-1941             
It reproduces the six principal MID files relating exclusively to China for the period 1918 to 1941 (general conditions, political conditions, economic conditions, army, navy, and aeronautics). Also includes documents created by other U.S. Government agencies and foreign governments from the records of the Military Intelligence Division.

    SNL Real Estate             
SNL Real Estate combines real-time news, in-depth data and expert real estate research on companies around the world. It provides access to detailed news, pricing, financial and property data through S&P’s Capital IQ platform.

Should you need a CIQ Pro personal account, please send an email to
Access restricted to eligible UMAC library users !

    Wharton Research Data Services             
WRDS is a research platform and business intelligence tool that provides access to S & P Capital IQ, CRSP, NYSE, Thomson Reuters, Bureau van Dijk, Global Insight, OptionMetrics and other important business research databases, with data reaching across multiple disciplines including accounting, banking, economics, finance and statistics.
**To access the database, please enquire Faculty of Business Administration at by email or at 88228892 by phone.

    Wiley Online Library             
It allows online access to the full text of over 400 journals and more than 2,300 titles of ebooks, which covers a wide range of subjects such as business, management, psychology, humanities and social science, science and engineering etc.

    World Bank E-Library             
It is an online, fully cross-searchable portal of over 5,000 World Bank documents. The collection consists of over 2,000 World Bank publications and over 3,200 Policy Research Working Papers, plus each new book and paper as they are published.

    World Development Indicators (WDI)             
It provides direct access to more than 600 development indicators, with time series for 208 countries and 18 country groups from 1960 to 2011.

    中文社會科學引文索引(CSSCI: Chinese Social Sciences Citation )             

中國知網是中國學術期刊電子雜志社編輯出版的以《中國期刊全文數據庫 》為核心的數據庫。涵蓋基礎科學、文史哲、工程科技、社會科學、農業、經濟與管理科學、醫藥衛生、信息科技等十大領域。提供中國學術文獻、學位論文等各類資源統一檢索、統一導航、在線閱讀和下載服務。


《中國經濟社會大數據研究平臺》是一個集統計數據查詢、數據挖掘分析及個人數據管理功能於一體的大型統計年鑒(資料)數據總庫。 截止2019年8月,該資料庫收錄了建國以來中央、各省市官方已出版發行的權威統計資料2304種,共兩萬餘冊,數據圖表條目2,743萬餘條。資料類型涉及發展報告、普查資料、調查資料、統計年鑒、統計摘要、資料彙編等。內容覆蓋財政金融、工業、人口與人力資源、人民生活與物價、能源與環境、政法與公共管理、農民農業和農村、建築房產、教育科技、文化體育、醫藥衛生等等行業領域,是我國目前國內最大的連續更新的以統計年鑒為主體的統計資料資料庫。

注意:部份文檔須配備CAJViewer (7.0+)才能閱讀。


以統計資料為主要內容的統計資料庫。主要分為中國經濟統計資料庫 (包括宏觀月度庫、綜合年度庫、行業月度庫、海關月度庫、城市年度庫) 及世界經濟統計資料庫 (包括 OECD月度庫、OECD年度庫)。


若在校外登入該庫,請用電腦登錄SSL VPN,然後複製網址 到右上角網址欄,點擊Browse。再點擊中經網的"登錄->澳門大學IP集團用戶快捷入口",便可登入該資料庫。

    華藝電子書 (iRead eBook)             

注意:瀏覽可閱讀全文之書籍,請點擊圖標“本館可閱讀書籍 看書籍全文 GO”。如瀏覽器工具列安裝了封鎖"彈出的視窗",請先解除封鎖,方能"閱讀全文"。

    萬方數據 (WANFANGDATA)             


此數據庫涵蓋澳門主要經濟指標,可協助用戶了解澳門經濟環境及監測澳門社會發展趨勢。 現時數據庫分為以下15大類,共380分項經濟數據,包括:人口、福利、教育、建築、工業、能源、消費、物價、政府財政、旅遊業、貨幣、銀行、運輸及交通、勞工、對外貿易。