Databases: Subject Listing

Alphabetical listing By Faculty By Type



    California Digital Newspaper Collection             
The California Digital Newspaper Collection contains over 1,500,000 pages of significant historical California newspapers published from 1846-present, including the first California newspaper, the Californian, and the first daily California newspaper, the Daily Alta California. It also contains issues of several current California newspapers that are part of a project to preserve and provide access to contemporary papers.

    Canadian Newsstand Complete             
This database offers unparalleled access to the full text of over 190 Canadian newspapers from Canada's leading publishers.

    Gale Primary Sources: The Illustrated London News Historical Archive, 1842-2003             
Search the complete digital edition (over 260,000 full color pages) of the world's first illustrated weekly newspaper.

    Gale Primary Sources: The Times Digital Archive, 1785 - 1985             
Search over 200 years of this invaluable historical source widely considered to be the world's 'newspaper of record.'

    Nexis Uni (formerly LexisNexis Academic Universe)             
Nexis Uni features more than 15,000 news, business and legal sources from LexisNexis—including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790—with an intuitive interface that offers quick discovery across all content types, personalization features such as Alerts and saved searches and a collaborative workspace with shared folders and annotated documents.

    ProQuest Historical Newspapers: South China Morning Post             
This historical newspaper provides users with online access to the coverage of the politics, society and events of the time from 1903 to 1995.

    ProQuest Newsstand             
ProQuest Newsstand offers unparalleled access to the full text of over 1300 newspapers, news websites and blogs from leading publishers throughout the world. The database includes backfile for most newspapers, providing access to articles, columns, editorials, obituaries and features published in each paper.
Major newspapers include the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, The Guardian and many other national and regional titles.

    The New York Times with Index (ProQuest Historical Newspapers)             
This historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time. The Historical New York Times with Index (1851-2014) provides search capability using subject terms and topics for focused and targeted results in combination with searchable full text, full page, and article-level images from the Historical New York Times.

    WisersOne (formerly called Wisers)             
This database provides access to the news and information come from over 500 regional newspapers in Chinese and English, as well as magazines, weeklies, websites and news agencies.
Access to this database to browse this website and find news first. To search, click on the "Nine Point Image" and WiseSearch image at the top left of the page.



字林洋行是十九世紀英商在上海創辦的最主要的新聞出版機構, 也是當時英商在華最大的報業印刷出版集團. 它旗下的一系列中英文報紙, 具體詳盡地記載了近代中國百年的社會場景, 從不同視角解說了曲折的歷史進程, 是一座尚待挖掘的文獻寶庫, 具有不可替代的學術價值和史料價值. 此數據庫收錄了"北華捷報", "字林西報", "上海新報", "滬報", "漢報", "消閒報", "字林西報行名錄"等中英文報紙.

    南洋商報 (Nanyang Siang Pau)             

    慧眼輿情 (前稱:慧科)             
使用該資料庫可先瀏覽此網站查找新聞。如需檢索,在網頁左上方點擊"九點圖像"及 WiseSearch圖像。

索引涵蓋範圍從1990年2月至2004年12月。 如擬搜尋往後資料,請使用慧眼輿情。

澳門報章剪報索引(Macau Newspaper Clippings Index)收錄自1988年1月至2000年7月,主要覆蓋澳門日報、華僑報、市民日報、訊報等每日有關澳門的新聞報導和社評的標題,內容主要包括藝術、經濟、教育、勞工、政府、工商、法律、政治、治安、社會、科技、運輸、公用事業、青年事務等。2000年6月份以後的新聞資料,可查慧科新聞資料庫,並可取得全文。

華僑報歷史資料庫只供本館內使用, 訂購年份為1937年11月20日至2015年12月31日。本校讀者可到參考諮詢櫃台登記使用。2016年至現今的華僑報, 請以個人身份, 在登記成為免費會員使用。
