Please refer to 中華數字書苑.
Brill Online Books
We have subscribed around 80 ebooks in the subject area of Asian Studies, Law and Social Science.
Cambridge Books Online (CBO)
It offers access to ebooks covering subjects from the disciplines across science, technology and medicine, as well as humanities and social sciences.
China Academic Digital Associative Library (CADAL)
CADAL, formerly known as China-America Digital Academic Library, was initially funded by the Chinese Government and some collaborating organizations in the United States. It was hosted and serviced by Zhejiang University with members from some prestigious universities in the Mainland, U.S., and Hong Kong. CADAL offers 2.5 million volumes of books online including 2 million in Chinese and 0.5 million in English. This database is a useful research aid, especially in the areas of humanities, social science, and Chinese medicine.
Please register personal account.
China: Trade, Politics & Culture, 1793-1980
This digital collection provides informative English-language sources relating to China and the West, including manuscripts, documents, letters, missionary periodicals and maps.
Early English Books Online (EEBO)
It contains 125,101 digital images of texts printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, North America and other English language books from the year 1473 to 1700.
eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)
It provides access to the digital version of books from a broad range of subject areas such as business, economics, electrical engineering, environment and ecology, ethics, philosophy, political science, and writing guides, etc. This collection has more than 1,500 titles.
EBSCO Faculty Select
EBSCO Faculty Select is a customized site that leverages the technology of the EBSCO Discovery Service platform that enables faculty to find and access open educational resource (OER) content, as well as find and request unlimited user DRM-Free eBooks from Library.
Emerald eBook Series Collections
There are two eBook Series Collections, one on Business Management & Economics and the other on Social Sciences. There are around 1,700 titles are available and accessible through the interface and searching facility with the Emerald journal collections.
Gale eBooks
Explore this database of encyclopedias and reference sources within the Gale eBooks platform. For multidisciplinary research.
IET eBooks
It includes ebooks published by the Institution of Engineering Technology and we have subscribed to 562 titles.
iG Library (formerly called iSearch Reference Collections)
It is an ebook platform that offers library users access to 3,925 titles of publications by Anmol Publications, Columbia University Press, Momentum, The Princeton University Press, and University of Hawaii Press.
Note: Printing is restricted to 40 pages a time.
IGI Global eBooks
It is a world-class collection of e-books focusing on innovation and technology advancements.
IOPscience ebooks
IOP ebooks is a brand new book programme that brings together innovative digital publishing with leading voices from across physics to create the essential collection of physics books for a digital world. Library has subscribed to around 95 titles of books.
Open Library
The Open Library - a project of the Internet Archive - is an open semantic wiki that aggregates bibliographic metadata from world’s leading libraries and publishers that includes references to electronic book collections, physical libraries and booksellers.
Oxford Scholarship Online
It offers access to the full text of Oxford publications in Business and Management, Economics and Finance, History, Law, Linguistics, Mathematics, Political Science, Psychology, Public Health and Epidemiology, and Social Work. It is 1,259 titles of ebooks have been subscribed in this platform.
ProQuest Ebook Central
ProQuest Ebook Central contains all subscribed titles from previous ebrary and MyiLibrary. It covers a large number of subject areas and you can access over 200,000 titles from more than 200 of the world's leading academic and professional publishers.
SpringerLink eBook Collection
It provides cover-to-cover search and browse access to 7,6179 titles of eBooks in the subject areas of science and technology. Access can via the SpringerLink search interface.
Taylor & Francis eBooks
Its platform provides access to 141 titles of eBook collection covering a wide range of subjects, such as Social Sciences, Geography, Interdisciplinary Studies, Agriculture & Environmental Sciences and more.
中文集獻 (Chinamaxx Digital Libraries)
試用期間,可訪問清華大學出版社、北京大學出版社等28家大學出版社的專著、教材、專業知識電子圖書超過6萬種,線上標準課程50門,SciOpen版塊46種期刊。 Access restricted to eligible UMAC library users !
《四庫全書》收錄圖書 3,460 多種, 約八億字, 36,000 餘册, 分為經, 史, 子, 集四部, 共四十四類, 七十屬。內容覆蓋甚廣, 包括哲學, 歷史, 文藝, 政治, 社會, 經濟, 軍事, 法律, 醫學, 天文, 地理, 算學, 生物學, 農業, 占卜等, 是研究中華五千年歷史文化的重要文獻。
可知平臺是國內專業電子圖書的閱讀應用平臺,入選為國家知識服務平臺分平臺。已有超過280家國內頂尖出版社入駐並提供電子書,其中包括電子工業出版社,社會科學文獻出版社,北京大學出版社,人民郵電出版社,化學工業出版社,經濟科學出版社,中國中醫藥出版社,中譯出版社等,涵蓋學術研究,通俗讀物、專業書、工具書等,種類繁多。 本校讀者請在內聯網範圍內用郵箱或者國內手機號碼註冊個人帳號方可在線或用APP試讀。當薦購書後,可在24小時內閱讀整本書的內容。 Access restricted to eligible UMAC library users !
此資料庫匯輯了明實錄和清實錄, 由北京大學劉俊文教授總纂。所收明實錄包括明代官修的太祖至熹宗的十三朝實錄, 以及後人補輯的崇禎朝實錄, 凡14種2923 卷; 所收清實錄包括清代官修的滿州實錄和太祖至德宗的十一朝實錄, 以及後世補纂的宣統政紀, 凡13種4433卷。
木魚書是十九世紀以來流行於粵港澳三地的民間說唱書,它的起源可以上溯至明正德 (1505-1521)、嘉靖 (1521-1566) 年間。香港大學馮平山圖書館藏木魚書約二百三十餘種,這些印本年代由晚清至民國時期,多為機器石印,少量為木刻本及鉛印本;印刷地在廣州及香港,其中又以粵港兩地的五桂堂印刷最多。上世紀七十年代,梁培熾先生應香港大學亞洲研究中心之邀,從事粵語說唱文學研究,其中便包括了木魚書、龍舟歌、南音和粵謳。梁先生曾著錄馮平山圖書館及亞洲研究中心所藏的木魚書,共二百〇七種,並出版為《香港大學所藏木魚書敘錄與研究》(1978)。
超閱網 (Super Bookcity)
超閱網是透過中華數字書苑的電子書平台, 收錄了香港暢銷書約500多本;主要由香港三聯書店,香港中華書局及香港商務印書館等出版。主要類別有:文學、經濟、休閒、語言學習等。
為方便閱讀, 可用iphone 或Android手機下載書本, 在電腦平台上掃瞄所需要二維碼便可以了。
(如需使用手機閱讀書本,請先在手機上安裝Apabi Reader)
此資料庫收書413種, 其中經部57種, 史部91種, 子部26種, 集部139 種。
由澳門基金會建立,以澳門學術研究為主要內容。收錄由澳門基金會及其他有關澳門學術、文化藝術的出版品,提供書目檢索、期刊檢索、論文檢索等功能。 Access restricted to eligible UMAC library users !