澳門樂團 |
澳門大學弦樂團 The University of Macau String Orchestra (UMSO) was established in January 2010. The Orchestra aims to let UM students appreciate the diversity of music and to enrich music culture in the campus. 傳記 弦樂團定期組織排練和參與不同的演出活動,如校園的 "String @UM"(2010),"心弦"音樂會(2011),電影音樂為主題的"弦聲喚影"(2012),"室內樂音樂會"(2012),均獲一致好評。 在成立初期,弦樂團受邀參加2011年任第十二屆香港(亞太區)鋼琴大賽的表演嘉賓。於同年開始參與每年度由澳門樂團與本澳音樂家聯合演出的"未來的希望"音樂會。2012年5月,樂團更遠赴台灣實踐大學音樂系學生交流合演,弦樂團在2012年畢業禮上擔任了重要角色,與澳大管樂團和合唱團聯手作澳門大學校歌的首度公演,成功展示了澳門大學弦樂團的實力。 The Orchestra rehearses regularly for different kinds of performances and events. Campus performances, which were highly appreciated by audiences, includes "String@UM" (2010), "HeartString Concert" (2011), "Phantom of the Orchestra" with film and Japanese animation music (2012), "Chamber Music Concert" (2012). At first, the UM Strings Orchestra quartet performed as a guest art group in the "12th Hong Kong (Asia Pacific) Piano Competition" in 2011. In the same year, the Orchestra was invited to the joint concert "The Future of Classical Music - A concert presented by Macao Orchestra with local musicicans" annually. In May 2012, the Orchestra had a joint performance with students in Shih Chien University of Taiwan in the exchange trip. In June 2012, it co-performed the first UM Anthem with UM Choir, UM Symphonic Band in the Congregation Ceremony. 簡介 澳門大學弦樂團成立於2010年1月,現有團員約三十名,成員包括本科生、碩士生及博士生。成立的主要目的是為澳大的弦樂愛樂者提供演出及交流的平台,提昇團員的演奏水平和訓練質素,並透過排練及演出建立友誼,在校內推廣藝術文化,讓學生可欣賞多元化的音樂,及推動本地音樂藝術的發展。 The University of Macau String Orchestra (UMSO) was established in January 2010. It consists of 30 members, which include undergraduates and postgraduates. The Orchestra aims to provide a platform for strings enthusiasts to perform and exchange music knowledge. It also aims to improve techniques and performance level of members, and build up friendship through these training and performances. In addition, the Orchestra aims to promote the art culture on campus, letting UM students appreciate the diversity of music and to promote the development of local stringed music. **以上資料轉錄自澳門大學弦樂團 Facebook 網頁** |