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管樂團定期組織練習並曾多次參與校內外的大型演出,如健康大學週啟動儀式(2007)、澳門大學開放日(2008、2011)、四川大地震賑災慈善晚會(2008、2009)、公益金百萬行(2008、2009)、澳門大學文化藝術節(2009)、'上海世博會 "年輕的世博"之世界名校大聯歡 - 名校音樂專場及聯演'(2010)、澳門管樂繽紛(2009 - 2011)及多場校園音樂會(2007 – 2011)。

澳門大學管樂團現任指揮是梁健行先生。他畢業於澳門理工學院音樂教育系。曾隨陳麗明女士及梁官流先生學習鋼琴,其後師從前澳門室樂團總監兼指揮Veiga Jardim先生學習指揮。作為澳門管樂最為積極的推動者之一,梁健行先生與外地樂團保持著緊密聯繫,自1995年起先後協助過一百多個樂團到澳門演出。2001年,他獲得北京中國對外文化交流協會邀請,出席第一屆中日友好管樂會議及演奏大會。梁健行先生目前擔任亞太管樂協會理事。

The debut concert of UM Symphonic Band took place in November 2007. Afterwards several large-scale performances were staged in and outside the University, such as the "Healthy University Week" Launch Ceremony (2007), UM Open Day (2008), Charity Concert for Sichuan Earthquake Victims (2008 and 2009), Walk for a Million (2008 and 2009), UM Cultural Arts Festival (2009), Shanghai World Expo Music Festival (2010) and various campus concerts (2007 to 2011).

The band conductor is Mr. Leung Kin Hang. Mr. Leung graduated in music education from the Macao Polytechnic Institute. He studied piano with Ms. Chan Lai-ming and Mr. Leung Kwun-lau, and studied conducting with Mr. Veiga Jardim, the former music director cum conductor of the Macao Chamber Orchestra. Maintaining close ties with many overseas orchestras, Leung has assisted in bringing more than 100 orchestras to perform in Macao since 1995. In 2001, Mr. Leung was invited by the China International Culture Exchange Association of Beijing to the First Sino-Japanese Friendship Wind Music Conference and Concert. At present, he is an executive member of the Asian Pacific Band Directors Association.


Established in April 2007, the UM Symphonic Band is the unique college band of this kind in the Macao SAR. It is aimed to provide formal training for interested students in the University and create a platform for performance and exchange, thus promoting arts and culture on campus and boosting the development of band music in the local community.

**以上資料轉錄自澳門大學管樂團 Facebook 網頁**