The Story of Macao: Exhibition of Sketches by George Chinnery |
Description : |
George Chinnery (1774-1852) was born in London, England. In 1792, he enrolled in the Royal Academy Schools, where he showed the beginnings of his talent as an artist. In 1802, Chinnery went to India, eventually becoming a renowned and popular painter.
Macao being an important port of the Maritime Silk Road that connected East and West at that time and being a place where Western artists intended to succeed, many other European artists have lived and worked in the territory.
Chinnery was no exception, emigrating to Macao in 1825 after having lived in India for 23 years. He was an influential Western painter in the modern exchange of Chinese and Western paintings.
Date : |
24 Sep - 05 Oct, 2018 |
Venue : |
G/F, University Library |

澳門大學圖書館古籍目錄 |
Description : |
「澳門大學圖書館古籍目錄」首階段錄入了十三套古籍,包括白石道人四種八卷 [刻本] 、北夢瑣言二十卷 [刻本] 、 耳鳴集不分卷 [抄本] 、金石萃編一百六十卷 [刻本] 、區太史文集十二卷 [刻本] 、說苑二十卷 [刻本] 、四百三十二峰草堂詩鈔二十二卷 [刻本] 、武溪集二十卷首一卷 [刻本] 、咸平集三十卷 [抄本] 、新編纂註資治通鑑外紀增義五卷資治通鑑釋例一卷 [刻本] 、竹眠詞鈔不分卷 [抄本] 、宗忠簡公文集二卷 [刻本] 及[宣統]番禺縣續志四十四卷首一卷 [刻本] 。
URL : | |

VR Experience Zone |
Event Name : |
VR Experience Zone |
Description : |
The Library is offering a Virtual Reality (VR) Experience Zone for students and staff. Users can gain hands-on experience to feel and use the VR technology. We hope to see you all in the Library!
Date : |
March - May, 2018 |
Time : |
09:30 - 17:00 |
Venue : |
G/F, next of I.T. Counter of the University Library |
