Collections: Student Textbook List


2012-2013 1st Semester

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Browse by Faculties -- FBA

Records: 79-84 / 117

Faculty Teaching Staff Course Code Title/Author Ed. Publisher Year Call No. Required Text Reference Text
FBA Dr. Steve Lo MFIN603 Principles of econometrics ; Using EViews : for Principles of econometrics, fourth edition / R. Carter Hill, William E. Griffiths, Guay C. Lim. 4th John Wiley & Sons 2012 HB 139 Hil 2012
FBA Ms. Kim Kuok, Dr. Yuan Lin, Dr. Zenon Udani, Ms. Carry Mak, Ms. Yuko Moody Matsumoto, Prof. Anita Chan MGMT110 Management / Stephen P. Robbins, Mary Coulter. 11th Prentice Hall 2012 HD 31 Rob 2012
FBA Dr. Joanne Chan, Ms. Yuko Matsumoto, Ms. Gwenda Latham MGMT220 Lesikar's business communication : connecting in a digital world / Kathryn Rentz, Marie E. Flatley, Paula Lentz. 12th McGraw-Hill/Irwin 2011 HF 5721 Ren 2011
FBA Prof. Loi Chi Ho Raymond, Dr. Lucy Lin MGMT221 Organizational behavior : key concepts, skills and best practices / Angelo Kinicki 5th McGraw Hill 2012 HD 58.7 Kin 2012
FBA Dr. Chen Xiaoyun, Prof. Rico Lam, Prof. Yuen Lin MGMT330 Strategic management : text and cases / Gregory G. Dess, G.T. Lumpkin, Alan B. Eisner. 5th McGraw-Hill Irwin 2010 HD 30.28 Des 2010
FBA Dr. Joanne Chan, Dr. Lucy Lin MGMT331 Research methods for business : a skill building approach / Uma Sekaran and Roger Bougie. 5th Wiley 2010 HD 30.4 Sek 2010
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