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2013-2014 2nd Semester

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Browse by Faculties -- FED

Records: 13-17 / 17

Faculty Teaching Staff Course Code Title/Author Ed. Publisher Year Call No. Required Text Reference Text
FED Dr. Wu Mei-Jiun EDUC480/EDPC654/EDUE480/EDUC281 教育社會學 / 陳奎憙著. 增訂 4 版 三民 1995 LC 191 Che 1995
FED Dr. Jinting Wu EDUC801 Applied ethnography : guidelines for field research / Pertti Pelto. 1st Left Coast Press, Inc. 2013 GN 397.5 Pel 2013
FED Prof. Timothy Teo EDUC802 Multivariate data analysis / Joseph F. Hair ... [et al.]. 7th Prentice Hall / Pearson 2010 QA 278 Mul 2010
FED Dr. Miranda Chi Kuan Mak PREI401 The practice of social research / Earl Babbie. 13th Wadsworth Cengage Learning 2013 H 62 Bab 2013
FED Dr. Miranda Chi Kuan Mak PYEB220 Life-span development / John W. Santrock, University of Texas at Dallas. 14th McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2013 BF 713 San 2013
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