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Browse by Course Code -- EBIS112

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Faculty Teaching Staff Course Code Title/Author Ed. Publisher Year Call No. Required Text Reference Text Academic Year
FBA Dr. Simon Wu EBIS112-001-012 Management information systems : managing the digital firm / Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon. 13th ed., Global ed. Pearson Education 2014 T 58.6 Lau 2014 2013-2014
Semester 2
FBA Dr. Jimmy Lee EBIS112-004,005 Management information systems : managing the digital firm / Kenneth Laudon 13th Peasron 2013 T 58.6 Lau 2014 2013-2014
Semester 1
FBA Prof. Patrick Lee EBIS112-006,007 Management information systems : managing the digital firm / Kenneth Laudon 13th Peasron 2013 T 58.6 Lau 2014 2013-2014
Semester 1
FBA Ms. Rebecca Lao EBIS112-008,009 Management information systems : managing the digital firm / Kenneth Laudon 13th Peasron 2013 T 58.6 Lau 2014 2013-2014
Semester 1
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