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Browse by Course Code -- IMSS012

Records: 1-6 / 9

Faculty Teaching Staff Course Code Title/Author Ed. Publisher Year Call No. Required Text Reference Text Academic Year
FST Dr. Wu Wen IMSS012 Computer animation complete : all-in-one : learn motion capture, characteristic, point-based, and Maya winning techniques / Rick Parent ... [et al.]. 1st Morgan Kaufmann 2009 TR 897.7 Com 2010 2012-2013
Semester 1
FST Prof. Wu Enhua IMSS012 Computer graphics with OpenGL / Donald Hearn, M. Pauline Baker, Warren R. Carithers. 4th Prentice Hall 2011 T 385 Hea 2011 2013-2014
Semester 1
FST Dr. Wu Wen IMSS012 Computer graphics with OpenGL / Donald Hearn, M. Pauline Baker, Warren R. Carithers. 4th Prentice Hall 2011 T 385 Hea 2011 2012-2013
Semester 1
FST Dr. Wu Wen IMSS012 CUDA application design and development / Rob Farber. 1st Morgan Kaufmann 2011 QA 76.76 A65 Far 2011 2012-2013
Semester 1
FST Prof. Wu Enhua IMSS012 The CUDA handbook : a comprehensive guide to GPU programming / Nicholas Wilt. 1st Addison-Wesley 2013 QA 76.642 Wil 2013 2013-2014
Semester 1
FST Prof. Wu Enhua IMSS012 Geometry for computer graphics : formulae, examples and proofs / John Vince. 1st Springer 2005 T 385 Vin 2005 2013-2014
Semester 1
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