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Browse by Course Code -- MATB310

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Faculty Teaching Staff Course Code Title/Author Ed. Publisher Year Call No. Required Text Reference Text Academic Year
FST Prof. Vong Seak Weng MATB310 Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems 10th John Wiley & Sons 2013 QA 371 Boy 2013 2017-2018
Semester 1
FST Prof. Vong Seak Weng MATB310 Elementary differential equations and boundary value problems / William E. Boyce, Richard C. DiPrima. 10th Wiley 2013 QA 371 Boy 2013 2016-2017
Semester 1
FST Prof. Vong Seak Weng MATB310 Elementary differential equations and boundary value problems / William E. Boyce, Richard C. DiPrima. 10th Wiley 2013 QA 371 Boy 2013 2015-2016
Semester 1
FST Prof. Vong Seak Weng MATB310 Elementary differential equations and boundary value problems / William E. Boyce, Richard C. DiPrima. 10th Wiley 2013 QA 371 Boy 2013 2014-2015
Semester 1
FST Prof. Vong Seak Weng MATB310 Elementary differential equations and boundary value problems / William E. Boyce, Richard C. DiPrima. 10th Wiley 2012 QA 371 Boy 2013 2013-2014
Semester 1