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Browse by Course Code -- MGMT330

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Faculty Teaching Staff Course Code Title/Author Ed. Publisher Year Call No. Required Text Reference Text Academic Year
FBA Ms. Carry Mak, Ms. Linda Chan, Dr. Yuan Lin MGMT330 Strategic management : text and cases / Gregory G. Dess [and three others]. 7th McGraw-Hill Education 2014 HD 30.28 Des 2014 2015-2016
Semester 1
FBA Dr. Wu Jie, Dr. Linda Chen, Dr. Iris Yuan MGMT330 Strategic management : text and cases / Gregory G. Dess, G.T. Lumpkin, Alan B. Eisner, Gerry McNamara. 7th McGraw-Hill Education 2014 HD 30.28 Des 2014 2014-2015
Semester 1
FBA Prof. Rico Lam, Dr. Iris Lo, Ms. Carry Mak MGMT330 Strategic management : text and cases / Gregory G. Dess, G.T. Lumpkin, Alan B. Eisner. 5th McGraw-Hill Irwin 2010 HD 30.28 Des 2010 2012-2013
Semester 2
FBA Dr. Chen Xiaoyun, Prof. Rico Lam, Prof. Yuen Lin MGMT330 Strategic management : text and cases / Gregory G. Dess, G.T. Lumpkin, Alan B. Eisner. 5th McGraw-Hill Irwin 2010 HD 30.28 Des 2010 2012-2013
Semester 1
FBA Ms. Carry Mak, Prof. Wu Jie, Prof. Linda Chen MGMT330 Strategic management : text and cases / Gregory G. Dess, University of Texas at Dallas, Gerry McNamara, Michigan State University, Alan B. Eisner, Pace University. 8th McGraw-Hill Education 2016 HD 30.28 Des 2016 2017-2018
Semester 1
FBA Ms. Carry Mak, Prof. Wu Jie, Prof. Rico Lam MGMT330 Strategic management : text and cases / Gregory G. Dess, University of Texas at Dallas, Gerry McNamara, Michigan State University, Alan B. Eisner, Pace University. 8th McGraw-Hill Education 2016 HD 30.28 Des 2016 2016-2017
Semester 1
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