Newly Available Titles (Archive: November, 2015)
Book Cover | ||
151 |
Deep+lane+%3A+poems+%2F |
Title: Deep lane : poems / Author: Doty, Mark Call No.: PS 3554 O798 Dot 2015 |
152 |
Deontology+++together+with+a+table+of+the+springs+of+action+++and+the+article+on+utilitarianism+%2F+ |
Title: Deontology together with a table of the springs of action and the article on utilitarianism / Author: Bentham, Jeremy, 1748-1832 Publication Year: 1983 Call No.: B 1574 B33 Ben 1983 |
153 |
Depression+out+of+the+shadows+%2F |
Title: Depression out of the shadows / Publication Year: c2008. Call No.: RC 537 Dep 2008 |
154 |
Designing+transformative+multicultural+initiatives+%3A+theoretical+foundations%2C+practical+applications%2C+and+facilitator+considerations+%2F |
Title: Designing transformative multicultural initiatives : theoretical foundations, practical applications, and facilitator considerations / Call No.: LB 2322.2 Des 2015 |
155 |
Dialectics+and+deconstruction+in+political+economy+%2F+ |
Title: Dialectics and deconstruction in political economy / Author: Albritton, Robert, 1941- Publication Year: 1999 Call No.: HB 97.5 Alb 1999 |
156 |
Diary+of+a+baby+%2F+ |
Title: Diary of a baby / Author: Stern, Daniel N. Publication Year: c1998. Call No.: BF 719 Ste 1998 |
157 |
Dicion%C3%A1rio+de+linguagem+e+lingu%C3%ADstica+%2F+ |
Title: Dicionário de linguagem e linguística / Author: Trask, R. L. (Robert Lawrence), 1944- autor Call No.: P 29 Tra 2011 |
158 |
Direct+democracy+in+the+Baltic+states+%3A+institutions%2C+procedures+and+practice+in+Estonia%2C+Latvia+and+Lithuania+%2F |
Title: Direct democracy in the Baltic states : institutions, procedures and practice in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania / Author: Somer, Evren, 1980- author Call No.: KJC 5049 Som 2015 |
159 |
Disintegrating+democracy+at+work+%3A+labor+unions+and+the+future+of+good+jobs+in+the+service+economy+%2F |
Title: Disintegrating democracy at work : labor unions and the future of good jobs in the service economy / Author: Doellgast, Virginia Lee, 1976- Publication Year: 2012 Call No.: HE 8789 U5 Doe 2012 |
160 |
Disruptive+power+%3A+the+crisis+of+the+state+in+the+digital+age+%2F |
Title: Disruptive power : the crisis of the state in the digital age / Author: Owen, Taylor, author Call No.: JZ 1254 Owe 2015 |
Pages: <<10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21>> | Records: 151-160 / 634 |