Newly Available Titles (Archive: February, 2008)
Book Cover | ||
191 |
HR+management+under+financial+uncertainty+%3A+a+survey+of+NGOs%27+HR+practices+and+trends+2005+%2F |
Title: HR management under financial uncertainty : a survey of NGOs' HR practices and trends 2005 / Author: Wong, Joseph, 1939- Publication Year: 2005. Call No.: HF 5549 A3 Won 2005 |
192 |
I+can+make+you+rich+%2F+ |
Title: I can make you rich / Author: McKenna, Paul, 1963- Publication Year: 2007. Call No.: HG 179 McK 2007 |
193 | Title: I win, you win : the essential guide to principled negotiation / Author: Lyons, Carl Publication Year: 2007. Call No.: HD 58.6 Lyo 2007 |
194 | Title: Identity, morality, and threat : studies in violent conflict / Publication Year: c2006. Call No.: HM 1121 Ide 2006 |
195 | Title: Illusions of security : global surveillance and democracy in the post-9/11 world / Author: Webb, Maureen Publication Year: 2007. Call No.: JC 599 U5 Web 2007 |
196 | Title: Implicit leadership theories : essays and explorations / Publication Year: c2005. Call No.: HD 57.7 Imp 2005 |
197 |
Infamous+scribblers+%3A+the+Founding+Fathers+and+the+rowdy+beginnings+of+American+journalism+%2F |
Title: Infamous scribblers : the Founding Fathers and the rowdy beginnings of American journalism / Author: Burns, Eric Publication Year: c2006. Call No.: PN 4861 Bur 2006 |
198 |
Instituto+Politecnico+de+Macau%2C+abertura+do+ano+academico+1996%2F1997+%3A+cerimonia+realizada+no+anfiteatro+do+Centro+Cultural+da+Universidade+de+Macau%2C+30+de+Outubro+de+1996+%3D+%E6%BE%B3%E9%96%80%E7%90%86%E5%B7%A5%E5%AD%B8%E9%99%A2%E4%B8%80%E4%B9%9D%E4%B9%9D%E5%85%AD%2F%E4%B8%80%E4%B9%9D%E4%B9%9D%E4%B8%83%E5%B9%B4%E5%BA%A6%E9%96%8B%E5%AD%B8%E5%85%B8%E7%A6%AE+%3A+%E9%96%8B%E5%AD%B8%E5%85%B8%E7%A6%AE%E5%8F%8A%E9%A0%92%E6%8E%88%E5%AD%B8%E4%BD%8D%E5%84%80%E5%BC%8F%2C+%E4%B8%80%E4%B9%9D%E4%B9%9D%E5%85%AD%E5%B9%B4%E5%8D%81%E6%9C%88%E4%B8%89%E5%8D%81%E6%97%A5%2E |
Title: Instituto Politecnico de Macau, abertura do ano academico 1996/1997 : cerimonia realizada no anfiteatro do Centro Cultural da Universidade de Macau, 30 de Outubro de 1996 = 澳門理工學院一九九六/一九九七年度開學典禮 : 開學典禮及頒授學位儀式, 一九九六年十月三十日. Author: Instituto Politecnico de Macau Publication Year: 1996. Call No.: LG 51 M3P6 Ins 1996 |
199 | Title: Intelligence, destiny, and education : the ideological roots of intelligence testing / Author: White, John, 1934- Publication Year: 2006. Call No.: BF 431 Whi 2006 |
200 | Title: Intergroup dialogue in higher education : meaningful learning about social justice / Publication Year: 2007. Call No.: LC 1099.3 Int 2007 |
Pages: <<10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21>> | Records: 191-200 / 837 |