Newly Available Titles (Archive: September, 2014)

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Title: Income inequality in OECD countries : what are the drivers and policy options? /

Call No.: HC 79 I5 Inc 2014
252 Title: Indispensable! : becoming the obvious choice in business and in life /

Author: Cottrell, David, 1953-

Call No.: HF 5549.5 P7 Cot 2014
253 Title: Industrial chemical process design /

Author: Erwin, Douglas L.

Publication Year: c2014.

Call No.: TP 155.75 Erw 2014
Title: Inequalities in analysis and probability /

Author: Pons, Odile

Publication Year: c2013.

Call No.: QA 295 Pon 2013
Title: Information systems : the connection of people and resources for innovation : a textbook /

Author: Hsu, Cheng, 1951-

Call No.: T 58.6 Hsu 2013
Title: Information technology and educational management in the knowledge society : IFIP TC3 WG3.7, 6th International Working Conference on Information Technology in Educational Management (ITEM), July 11-15, 2004, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain /

Author: IFIP TC 3/WG 3.7 International Working Conference on Information Technology in Educational Management (6th : 2004 : Las Palmas, Canary Islands)

Publication Year: c2005.

Call No.: LB 1028.43 IFI 2004
Title: Inner dialogue in daily life : contemporary approaches to personal and professional development in psychotherapy /

Call No.: BF 697.5 S43 Inn 2014
Title: Innovation and growth : what do we know? /

Publication Year: c2013.

Call No.: HD 30.28 Inn 2013
259 Title: Innovation in the pharmaceutical industry : the process of drug discovery and development /

Author: Hara, Takuji, 1962-

Publication Year: c2003.

Call No.: RM 301.25 Har 2003
260 Title: Integrated principles of zoology /

Author: Hickman, Cleveland P.

Call No.: QL 47.2 Hic 2014
Pages: <<20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31>> Records: 251-260 / 1723