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The Award Ceremony of "Reading Activity 2015-16" (2016/04/28)

The “Reading Activity 2015-16” organized by the UM Library and Student Affairs Office had been successfully concluded. The Award Ceremony was held on 27 April 2016. This year is the 400th Anniversary of Shakespeare’s death. To commemorate this, three UM students gave a performance on a short scene of a Shakespeare’s play during the ceremony. After the award presentation, a sharing session on “The Joy of Reading” was hosted by the University Librarian, Dr. Paul Poon. Students had a great time in sharing their reading experiences and interests with the guests.


At the ceremony, Dr. Paul Poon, the University Librarian, said that the Library had always been keen on the promotion of reading, and encouraged students to read more good extracurricular books. Our effort had been paid off with the success of the Reading Activity and receiving a special award at a national reading promotion competition in China. Dr. Peter Yu, the Dean of Students, also encouraged student to read more books because one could feel calm when reading and the best benefit of reading was to allow one to feel energetic and young. Positive feedbacks were received from students and they hoped that the Library and SAO would continue to organize this Reading Activity in the future.