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Assistance Offered for your Research Work -- "Web of Science" Workshop in the Library (2013/11/15)

Dear All,

Do you want to get inspiration for identifying a research topic? Do you want to find out more articles in relation to your research? Do you want to choose the appropriate journal to submit your papers? Do you want to know more about how to conduct research?

If so, this workshop can help you!!

"Web of Science" is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary database that provides citation information on various core journals. It is a great tool for tracking how often a particular work or author has been cited, and also a good reference for choosing an appropriate journal to submit your papers.

To allow our users to learn more on how to use this database to answer the above-mentioned questions, the Library has invited a professional lecturer on "Web of Science" to provide a training session, with two time slots for users to choose. Details are as follows:

Date : 19th November 2013 (Tuesday)

Time : 11:00 to 12:00 (Session 1), OR

15:00 to 16:00 (Session 2)

Venue : Bibliographic Instruction Room, G/F of UM Library

(*Note: The content of the two sessions are the same, and please see the attached poster for more details.)

All are welcome!

For registration of the training sessions and enquiries, please contact us at or by calling 8397-8171.


UM Library


 Web of Sciences2.pdf