Books Purchased Directly by Faculty Members


There is a fund set aside for emergency book purchasing. Ten percent out of each faculty's annual book fund allocation is assigned for this purpose. Books or audio-visual materials purchased in this way are processed as part of the library's holdings.


This policy is aimed to facilitate the Library's collection development and to speed up book acquisition process for meeting a specific classroom requirement (not for research needs).


Procedure for Reimbursement

Faculty members may bring the following required documents to the Library for reimbursement.

  1. The purchased materials and the approved Library Book/AV Materials recommendation form. The form must be filled properly with the signature of the Dean or Director of your Faculty/Center.

  2. Valid invoice and receipt should include the following items:
    • i)  Date of purchase should be incurred during the current calendar year;
    • ii)  Invoice or receipt must be issued by a company or an institution; and
    • iii)  Titles and prices are itemized for each purchase.

Our Library will process such purchased materials as an integral part of the Library's collection. Faculty members are to borrow such materials by following normal borrowing procedure.

Reimbursement from Finance Office

The library will pass the invoice or receipt to the Finance Office for reimbursement. The process of approval for reimbursement depends on the Finance Office. All the reimbursement will be paid in Macau Dollar (MOP). The invoice or receipt in foreign currencies (if any) will be converted to Macau Dollar (MOP) automatically. The exchange rate is to be determined by the Finance Office.