Newly Available Titles (Archive: May, 2010)

Newly Available Titles

Newly Available Titles (Archive)



All Western Language Chinese

Item Title Author Publication Year
1 "Language" poetries : an anthology /   c1987.
2 "Romanticism" -- and Byron / Cochran, Peter, 1944- 2009.
3 "Welcome, Mr. Eng …" 飲食業實用英語會話自學手冊 : 基礎級 /   2009.
4 "Welcome, Mr. Eng …" 零售業實用英語會話自學手冊. 基礎級 /   2009.
5 "文化遺產保護法" 法案大綱諮詢文本. 澳門. 政府 [2008].
6 "金石" 家話 / 夏書章 2004.
7 "教會在亞洲" 宗座勸諭 : 教宗若望保祿二世. John Paul II, Pope, 1920-2005 [2000].
8 100 ideas for teaching physical development / Brownhill, Simon c2009.
9 1001 children's books you must read before you grow up /   2009.
10 101 ways to make every second count : time management tips and techniques for more success with less stress / Bly, Robert W. c2001
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