IBES Historical Detail Estimates Global
IBES is a database that gathers and compiles the different estimates made by stock analysts on the future earnings for the majority of U.S. publicly traded companies, users can research the different analyst estimates for any given stock. **To access the database, please enquire Faculty of Business Administration at sterlingchao@um.edu.mo by email or at 88228892 by phone.
ICE Current Engineering Journals Collection
Trial period: 2 September 2024 - 2 October 2024
It includes the 18 titles of the internationally respected ICE Proceedings collection, each focus on a sub-discipline of civil engineering, plus highly cited leading research titles such as Géotechnique and Magazine of Concrete Research. In addition, major society titles such as Geosynthetics International (on behalf of the International Geosynthetics Society) and Dams and Reservoirs (on behalf of the British Dam Society).
IEEE Xplore
(20 concurrent users)
IEEE Xplore provides full-text access to IEEE transactions, journals, magazines and conference proceedings published since 1988 and all current IEEE standards.
IET eBooks
It includes ebooks published by the Institution of Engineering Technology and we have subscribed to 562 titles.
iG Library (formerly called iSearch Reference Collections)
It is an ebook platform that offers library users access to 3,925 titles of publications by Anmol Publications, Columbia University Press, Momentum, The Princeton University Press, and University of Hawaii Press.
Note: Printing is restricted to 40 pages a time.
IGI Global eBooks
It is a world-class collection of e-books focusing on innovation and technology advancements.
i-Learner Online Learning Platform: English for Universities
Eligible to 1st year students and current ELC students only
i-Learner Online Learning Platform: English for Universities: it is able to be specifically tailored to meet the needs of the University of Macau. The programme bridges the gap to academic English through integrated skills development and a focus on authentic, communicative language for academic purposes. This all-round platform promotes competence in reading and writing, as well as providing listening, integrated grammar and vocabulary teaching. Through both discipline-based and theme-based learning inputs and a wide array of learning aids and assessment tools, teachers can support the needs of every student and ensure their success in tertiary education.
IMF eLibrary
Free Online Database
This platform provides access to global statistical resources, including Trade and Investment as well as 4 core databases; namely, International Financial Statistics (IFS), Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS), Balance of Payments Statistics (BOPS) and Government Finance Statistics (GFS).
InCites is a customized, citation-based research evaluation tool on the Web that enables you to analyze institutional productivity and benchmark your output against peers worldwide.
Please sign in with your existing WOS ID/PW. If you don’t have personal account, please register one.
incoPat collects more than 100 million patents from around 102 countries/organizations/areas, among which, patent data of 22 countries have been particularly collected and processed with more comprehensive fields and higher quality. incoPat supports more than 70 dimensions of self-defined statistical analysis, providing various visible templates including line chart, bar chart, pie chart, column chart, global map, Chinese map, bubble chart, stacked bar chart, radar map and so on. Also the system could generate report automatically for you to get easy access to analysis conclusion of patent data. To request the use of incoPat, please contact the Library's Patent Information Service Team at lib_pis@um.edu.mo.
Subscription terminated from September 2023
Innography provides deep insights to make informed decisions across the IP life cycle. It provides 100+ visualizations condense large data sets into compelling, dynamic visuals that are easily shared with stakeholders. The search and analytics tools use the latest advances in AI and big data to provide the most relevant and current information. To request the use of Innography, please contact the Library's Patent Information Service Team at lib_pis@um.edu.mo.
Innography PatentScout
Subscription terminated from September 2023
Innography PatentScout is an easy to use and private search tool that helps you discover relevant patents, organizations and technologies using semantic search or advanced keyword syntax. Access to Innography PatentScout requires UM email registration.
International Financial Statistics (IFS)
Free Online Database
It covers all aspects of international and domestic finance, with history to 1948.
IOPscience ebooks
Title List
IOP ebooks is a brand new book programme that brings together innovative digital publishing with leading voices from across physics to create the essential collection of physics books for a digital world. Library has subscribed to around 95 titles of books.
IOPscience Journals
IOPscience is an online service for journal content published by IOP Publishing. IOPscience embraces innovative technologies to make it easier for researchers to access scientific, technical and medical content.
It's okay to be the boss
This works as a management workshop to provide the step-by-step guide, including PowerPoint slide deck, short instructional videos, and an interactive participant workbook.